Thailand and More!

Hey everyone!

So . . . I survived finals. It was touch and go there for a minute when I went into denial and started reading romance novels instead of studying. It was a romance novel marathon event! The good news: I now want to read almost everything Lori Foster and Alesia Holliday have ever written. The bad news: not an easy feat to achieve while abroad in Thailand.

Oh, did I forget to mention that I am in Thailand right now. Because that is exactly where I am!

Goodbye Portland. Hello Bangkok!

It only took me three plane rides and roughly two days spent in transit but I made it! I’ve been having a wonderful time too since the weather here is gorgeous. For the first time in months I’ve been able to go outside without shivering or getting soaking wet. Leaving behind an Oregon winter is no hardship if you ask me. But the best part of the journey has been spending time with my family members. I come from a tight-knit group of people who show their love by giving each other a hard time. Still, there’s something sweet about hearing the same teasing jokes from my uncle.

I guess I should explain that the official reason I am here is because my brother Jordan is marrying the love of his life, Katie. I couldn’t be happier to have Katie as a sister-in-law.

The happy couple!

Oh, and see those adorable tigers? I will be petting them later today! This is only one of many reasons I am loving Thailand. In fact I’m entertaining the notion of moving here down the road. After all I could live on cheap Thai food and write my novels quite happily. But I have to go now because I leave for Chiang Mai soon. I’ll post more about my adventures later!
