The Waiting Game

Hey everyone!

So right now it sort of feels like my life is in limbo.

See, while my fabulous editor is reading Notable I have been doing . . . approximately nothing. Okay, that’s not quite true. I have read a whole bunch of romance novels recently. I sort of went on a Susan Elizabeth Phillips binge. For those of you unfamiliar with her books, she specializes in contemporary romances that have you laughing one moment and crying the next.

And yes, I cried over each and every one of her books I read. Again.

She even got me all teary-eyed over a football-playing hero named Bobby Tom Denton. Seriously. Good ol’ Bobby Tom had me bawling.

And before you suggest that maybe I have a hormone imbalance or something, you should know that my friend Lisa Lin from over at Teatime Romance had the exact same reaction!


Bobby Tom’s book. Although my favorite one is still This Heart of Mine.

Now if you’re thinking, “Okay, Marni, so you read a bunch of books. What else have you accomplished?” the answer is . . . not a whole lot.

Mostly I’ve been obsessing about the Romance Writer’s of America award (knowns as the RITAs) which will be announced on March 26th.

13 days from now.

Roughly 312 hours from now.

Not that I’m anxiously awaiting the announcement or anything. I have hardly given it a thought! I mean, it’s only the award I’ve been dreaming about since I was fifteen. So…whatever! No big deal.


Okay, the scary lady is right. I’m totally lying.

It’s a really big deal. And even though I honestly don’t think I’m going to be nominated (I know some of the authors who submitted their work. This isn’t false modesty here. Some fricking amazing books have been entered!) the wait is still totally getting to me.

I know it’s not cool to admit. I probably should be playing off the whole thing or keeping my big mouth shut. But I can’t seem to manage it this time.

Maybe that’s because I also have some book news that I’m not allowed to announce yet. And the combined stress of the waiting and the silence is driving me up the freaking wall.

Although in my case that just means my sleep cycle is all out of whack and I have been hitting the girl scout cookies harder than I should be right now. I also had a dream that I was Jennifer Lawrence and I went ice skating. Not sure if that has anything to do with it, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

So if any of you are also stressing out over the RITAs or anything else you’ve got going on, I would love to hear about it! If any of you have any waiting-related advice, I’m totally game for that too!

And now I should really—zzzzzzz


Extreme Hedgehogs of AWESOME and a Challenge/Giveaway for YOU!

Hey everyone!

I recently had a case of love at first sight. It was a magical moment. His eyes met mine and I just knew it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

To tell the truth: I fell head over hedgehog.

2013-02-14 16.09.28

Everyone, meet Oswald! Isn’t he the cutest thing ever!?

There was just one thing preventing our happily ever after–the fact that we both knew he was destined for someone else. Oswald’s heart will always belong to his incredibly talented artist/my best friend, which is why after we spent a blissful month together, Oswald traded in my bedroom for hers. And because she is completely amazing . . . I now fall asleep every night looking at these three handsome fellows!

2013-03-03 21.00.18

Gregory MacGuffin the Third!

2013-03-03 21.00.14

Poquito Incognito!

And last, but certainly not least:

2013-03-03 20.58.22


I can’t even tell you how much I love these hedgehogs. I like to think that they are diligently guarding my books from bad reviews.

And these aren’t the only cool photos I have to show you!

I know it might sound silly, but I absolutely love seeing photos of people enjoying my books. It makes my day. So obviously I was delighted when I caught a glimpse of these:


The seriously skilled Melina Souza took this photo and wrote a great review of Awkward that you can read here!

Just a quick heads up . . . she wrote it in Portuguese. Because that’s her first language.

You know what book I’m able to pick up and start reading in an entirely different language?

Me neither.

Probably because it doesn’t exist.

I’ve taken five years of French classes and I still relied heavily on the subtitles for this hilarious/adorable cat video!

I hope your reaction looks like this:


I’m not going to repost all of Mel’s awesome photos here but . . . this one is my new desktop image.


Overwhelmed with the awesome!

These pictures inspired me to try creating a game (I really hope you’ll all play it with me! Pretty please?) that goes something like this:

Step One: You stick a copy of Awkward (or Decked with Holly) in your purse/backpack/car and take it with you everywhere.

Step Two: Every time you think to yourself, Now that would be a funny place to see Awkward, you pull out the book.


Step Three: You take a picture.

Step Four: You send the photo to me (either here or on my Facebook author page would be great!)

Step Five: I completely geek out!!!


Fun, right?! I also think it has some pretty great ice-breaker potential. I mean, let’s say that someone you happen to be crushing on is around and you have nothing to say to them.


*Cough* Marni’s daily experience in high school.

So instead of letting the opportunity to talk slide away like this . . .


You can be all, “Okay, so I know this is a little awkward, but um…would you mind holding up a copy of this book right by the sign for the boys’ restroom? HAHA! I know. It’s weird. But the author said that the person who posts the best photo gets an advanced reader’s copy of her next book so…”

Oh, did I forget to mention that?

Because I will totally do it. I don’t usually send stuff to people who live outside the US, because shipping can get expensive, but for this contest . . . game on!

That way we will have something fun to do while we wait for the Invisible ARCs to be ready!

*Happy dances*


I would love to hear what you think of the game, so feel free to leave me a comment! *Super subtle hint*

Good luck!
